Export datatable to excel is a frequent requirement, there are lots of ways we can upload data from datatable to excel, and here I’m going to show one simple common method to export.
Load the data into datatable
Export into excel method.
Load the data into datatable
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataTable dtRecords = new DataTable(); dtRecords.Columns.Add("FIRSTNAME"); dtRecords.Columns.Add("LASTNAME"); dtRecords.Columns.Add("JOB"); DataRow rw1 = dtRecords.NewRow(); rw1[0] = "JHON"; rw1[1] = "SMITH"; rw1[2] = "MANAGER"; dtRecords.Rows.Add(rw1); DataRow rw2 = dtRecords.NewRow(); rw2[0] = "MICH"; rw2[1] = "KEN"; rw2[2] = "SR MANAGER"; dtRecords.Rows.Add(rw2); UploadDataTableToExcel(dtRecords); }
Export into excel method.
protected void UploadDataTableToExcel(DataTable dtRecords) { string XlsPath = Server.MapPath(@"~/Add_data/test.xls"); string attachment = string.Empty; if (XlsPath.IndexOf("\\") != -1) { string[] strFileName = XlsPath.Split(new char[] { '\\' }); attachment = "attachment; filename=" + strFileName[strFileName.Length - 1]; } else attachment = "attachment; filename=" + XlsPath; try { Response.ClearContent(); Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", attachment); Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"; string tab = string.Empty; foreach (DataColumn datacol in dtRecords.Columns) { Response.Write(tab + datacol.ColumnName); tab = "\t"; } Response.Write("\n"); foreach (DataRow dr in dtRecords.Rows) { tab = ""; for (int j = 0; j < dtRecords.Columns.Count; j++) { Response.Write(tab + Convert.ToString(dr[j])); tab = "\t"; } Response.Write("\n"); } Response.End(); } catch (Exception ex) { //Response.Write(ex.Message); } }
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